

FH W ——电阻加热


  • 工作温度为最最 2200℃  (可选择最最 2500℃)
  • 真空度:5×10-2 mbar
  • 炉内气体:Ar / N2 (其他气体根据要求而定)
  • 加热区最长可以为5000 mm
  • 排气、去除临时粘合剂是化合过程的可选项
  • 快速冷却系统、绝缘口、气体循环可选
  • 特殊尺寸和功能根据协商而定
  • 用于C/C和 C/SiC复合材料的特殊溶液
  • 用于石墨清洁的特殊溶液
  • 前门可以在两侧打开——可选
  • 特殊制造程序根据需求而定


These horizontal, resistance-heated sintering systems are used in many areas of application, as they can be operated both in a vacuum and in an inert atmosphere. The main area of application is the debinding and subsequent sintering of ceramics, composite materials or powder metallurgical components. They are used in particular for high-temperature processes such as carbonization, recrystallization, silicon infiltration, nitriding (formation of Si3N4), vacuum sintering or metallization. Optionally, these systems can be equipped with a debinding/dewaxing system as a combined process. Rapid cooling is also available to significantly reduce cooling times.


Main specifications

  • Working temperature up to 2200°C
  • Vacuum: 5x10-² mbar(a)
  • Furnace atmosphere: Ar / N2 / forming gases
  • Easy accessibility
  • Resistance heating
  • Double-walled, water-cooled vacuum vessel
  • Comprehensive, user-friendly Siemens S7 and WinCC control system


Width Heating conductor
Height Heating conductor
Length Heating conductor
Useful volume
FH W 9 250 270 330 9 35
FH W 90 620 550 835 90 80
FH W 250 500 710 1300 250 200
FH W 400 900 700 1000 400 240
FH W 600 1000 800 1400 600 400
FH W 1450 1250 1250 2000 1450 550
FH W 4000 1400 1500 4000 4000 1000
FH W 7000 2570 1900 3400 7000 1000
FH W 10000 2400 2500 2900 10000 1000

* Special sizes on request 

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We will be happy to answer your questions and advise you according to your requirements and areas of application.

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